Owners Random Thoughts

We are more alike than some want us to believe.

Unfortunately, we live in a fallen world.  We are not a world of good people who happen to do bad things, we are a world of people inclined toward evil who happen to do good sometimes..... and only good things that matter for eternity are done through the Holy Spirit living in us.  That is a deeper discussion we need to have a cup of coffee and a bible for.
Why that matters is, we are surprised and disappointed when people do things we don't think are beneficial.  The truth is, people do things for themselves with rarely a thought of other people.  Dale Carnegie in the best selling book How to Win Friends and Influence People says people always do things "for themselves" and not "to you."  We are easily offended at people thinking they somehow have it out for us, when the truth is they are trying to please themselves and you just happen to be in the way of that.
Why does this matter?  Perspective.  When our expectation is that people are really trying to do things to help us, and be nice to us, and we should expect that, we are destined for disappointment and frustration.  If we set our expectation to be that people are thinking of themselves and how to have a better life for their own family's, then our level of frustration will be MUCH less and we can go live a great life!
Rick Wright
Freedom Lover


The importance of advice.

Good advice is VERY rare in today’s world.  Everyone seems to be wanting to sell you something, convince you that their way is right, and some just plain ding-dong ideas are being promoted in society as “mainstream”.  In a time where wisdom and sound advice is needed more than ever, it seems to be rare and elusive.

There are sources of foundational wisdom we can turn to in times of difficulty and confusion.  One main place is the Bible.  God’s one book He gave us as an instruction manual.  If the Creator of the universe gives us a book, He probably expects us to read it and live by it.  In my years here on planet earth, it has been my experience that when I live by the Bible’s direction and instruction, things go way better than when I do things contrary to God’s design.

So how does this relate to the car industry?  We all should get advice on buying a car.  After all, it is the second biggest purchase of a person’s life!  We SHOULD want wisdom outside of our own understanding.  The problem is, most people are eager to give their opinions on EVERYTHING!  We should be very careful about whose opinions we give credence to.  Proverbs 12:15 says “ The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but a wise man listens to counsel.” 

There are two lessons here.  One is, do WE listen to wise counsel or just run off our own limited understanding and experience.  Second, do we get counsel from wise people?  And how do we know if they are wise?  Do THEY listen to wise people?  Do they have “fruit on the tree”.  Do they live well, and have results that you would like to have?  Do they have more years of experience than you?.  The bible further says, the beginning of wisdom is the fear of the LORD. (PR 9:10)  Are they a person who follows after God’s design?  

We basically have the following choices:

  1. 1.  We can choose to follow our own limited knowledge

    2. We can listen to our friends who may be great friends and have a lot of fun but may or may not have wisdom in the particular area we need advice in.

  2. 3. We can listen to someone, or several different people, with experience who tend to make wise choices and get their input.

  3. 4. Once we have gathered all the input, we ultimately have to decide for ourselves what is wise.  Of course we would recommend prayerful consideration as God leads you in your decision making process.  He designed you and knows best your specific needs.


We pray God’s best for your lives and hope to meet you soon.  Stop by any time to visit and let us get to know you better.

Until then, enjoy the great political and economic Freedom we have been granted in this country, and the spiritual Freedom through Jesus!  

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